Thursday, October 27, 2011

Egad, what a long day.

I've been consistently running for around two weeks now. Running on and off for a few years, but really dedicating myself to it recently. Yesterday was the first day that I really had a hard time motivating myself to get up and do it. The usual story preceded: worked early (got up at 3:30 am to be there by 4:30), long hours standing on my feet all day, running amok on four hours of sleep etc. etc. etc. My legs were sore, and I was tired.

Normally, running is my (second) favorite time of day, sleep being (of course) the best--I mean, where else can I fly through the air and use telekenesis and create epic landscapes with just a thought? I know. My dreams are awesome. Anyway. Yesterday, I just wanted to curl up in bed and go to sleep. So what did I do?

I took a twenty minute power-nap, ate something to boost my blood sugar and made myself stretch. Putting on my running gear also really helps. I don't know why, but I usually find it really motivating to put on my shorts, tank and running shoes. So I did. And then I went for my run. I was more tired than usual, and my calves were particularly sore, but I pushed through it and I'm so glad I did. A year ago I would have just given up. I would have said to myself, "I didn't sleep well. I worked so hard today at the store. I should rest, recuperate. I'll go tomorrow."

But I didn't! Hah. And if I may quote, "And that has made all the difference."

Seriously. I felt amazing afterwards. Just feeling that sense of pride, of accomplishment, made it so worth it. Not to mention how physically I felt better than I had before hand.

So yeah, I guess the point is, I hope when you all are feeling tired and worn down, that you don't let it stop you from putting in that 25 minutes of cardio. It's easy to stop. It's easy to not go and do that work-out. But at the end of the day, do you want to go to bed knowing that you did what was easy? Or that you really tried, really put in that effort? Because it's worth it--believe me, it is so worth it.

As usual, after my run, I treated myself to my homemade chocolate milk (I'll post the recipe in a following blog--it's super yummy, try it! You will be surprised how delicious it is, considering how not-bad-for-you it is!). I also find other little ways to treat myself after my run. EG, I don't listen to my absolute favorite music until after, so I have that motivation/incentive. During my run, listening to up-tempo music by an artist whom I have a little, baby-crush on is also nicely motivating. No, I'm not saying who. That's embarrassing haha.

Anyway! Tonight, I'm really looking forward to my run. It's so freeing. My stress levels drop so, so much afterwards. So wish me luck, dear Reader! As soon as the sun goes down (it's still hot in SoCal, and I am on the paler side--and I think we all know sun + fair skin = tragedy), I'll be off!

Good luck to you, on your journey! Remember that each day is a new beginning to be explored.

1 comment:

  1. Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation...

    You are a running machine. I walk. I have to wear two bras if I jog.
